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Highlights of the event include: Some facts about Black History MonthMessages from Government officialsLive performance- Donne Roberts- 2x Juno Award Winner (originally from Madagascar).Sangea Academy cultural performanceSchool Contest Award Ceremony.Music & Dance. Click here to register Zoom Details Topic: Black History Month 2021 Cultural and Award Ceremony – Virtual Time: Feb 27,...
Highlights of the event include: Theme: Resiliency, Investing in the Present for a Better FutureGreetings from the Minister: Hon. Leela Aheer, Minister of Culture, Multiculturalism and Status for WomenGuest Speaker: Dr. Wanda M. Costen Ph.D, Dean & Professor School of Business, MacEwan UniversityIt is a lady’s night of Fun and...
The project will coach girls to develop actionable steps to promote resiliency, learn from the experiences of others, and address any past uncomfortable experiences. It will support and increase awareness around exposure to unhealthy relationships and equip them to build healthy relations and personal safety skills.Read more … (119 More...

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