Events Calendar

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Fort McMurray celebrates black history month in style

It was exciting to see people come out in great numbers, and judging from the trends, it gets better every year. Fort McMurray is a unique place to be at this time of the year. The diverse communities supporting and celebrating the cultures of the Afro-Canadian community speaks volume about Canadian multiculturalism.

Regina b. Oppon: RMWB’s 2015 citizen recognition

Regina B. Oppon was among those chosen under the RMWB’s 2015 Citizen Recognition Program for special honors at the Mayor and Council’s Toast of Champions on Jan. 28, 2016.

Our Story
Who are we?

Rehoboth Alliance is an organization dedicated to helping youth, women, children, and their families achieve their goals while respecting their individuality and recognizing their diverse and sometimes challenging needs. Our commitment to healthy lifestyle choices creates an environment where beneficiaries of our programs (children, youth, and women) can feel safe and supported as they progress towards their goals. We treat everyone equally with dignity and respect.

Our Story

Why Choose Us?

At Rehoboth, we believe in inclusiveness where the youth, women, children, staff, board members, and volunteers work together to create an atmosphere where people feel safe, supported, and respected while receiving the opportunity to fulfill their own goals.

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Black History Month 2021

Highlights of the event include: Some facts about Black History MonthMessages from Government officialsLive performance- Donne Roberts- 2x...
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Women’s Day Dinner

Highlights of the event include: Theme: Resiliency, Investing in the Present for a Better FutureGreetings from the Minister:...
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